Oh your ads disapproved by Quora… hmm no issues I will help you to fix this issues.. In this post I am going to share you every expect of ads disapproval. so follow step by step and start reading…
Table of Contents
How to Approved Quora Ads – Step by step guidelines
You can access your adsmanager by logging into Quora with the same account you’ve enabled for ads and then navigating to quora.com/ads.
All ads will be reviewed before they go live, so please familiarize yourself with our ad policies so you don’t run into issues.
Common reasons ads get flagged during our review process:
- Poor punctuation, grammar, or spelling: we require sentence casing for the headline and description text.
- Prohibited categories: common verticals that aren’t allowed include weight loss, payday loans, illegal substances.
- False claims: we don’t allow companies to make false claims that aren’t substantiated on their landing pages.
- Landing page quality: landing page should not have irrelevant pop-ups.
- Poor targeting: we do require that advertisers appropriately target to relevant topics.
Why is my ad not running due to “misleading content” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Misleading content” review is likely making claims on the ad or the landing page that are not backed up or misrepresent what is being promoted.
All information presented in your ad must be relevant to the product or services you are offering and must not misrepresent what you are trying to promote. This applies to all components of your ad as well as your landing pages.
In general, we do not permit:
- Promotions that do not accurately and truthfully represent your company, your products, or your services.
- Promotions that prompt users to initiate a purchase, download, or other commitment without first providing all relevant information and obtaining the user’s explicit consent.
Your ads are likely to be disapproved if they:
- Promise a promotional offer then make it difficult to locate on your landing page.
- Make misleading or exaggerated claims about your products and services.
- Make false statements about your identity or qualifications.
- Use false claims or claims that entice the user with an improbable result (even if this result is possible) as the likely outcome that a user can expect.
- Falsely imply affiliation with, or endorsement by, another individual, organization, product, or service.
- Mislead or trick the user into interacting with them.
- Make competitive claims (usually ads that contain superlatives and comparatives such as “best,” “#1,” “better than”) without third-party verification on your landing page.
- Hide or deliberately conceal or misstate information about your business, product, or services. This includes not disclosing your billing practices and terms of payment.
Ad copy is not allowed that contains the superlatives and comparatives “best,” “#1,” “top,” “better than,” “faster than,” or any other equivalent claims where that claim is not supported by third-party verification on the landing page.
- Not permitted: “Quora is the best Q&A site in the world.” with no evidence on the landing page to support the claim of being the best. This competitive claim would be permitted if the landing page included a reference and link to a third-party analysis that showed Quora as the most popular Q&A site, the highest quality Q&A site, and so forth.
If your ad uses a superlative or competitive claim, you need to support that claim by showing third-party verification on your landing page. Third-party verification must come from someone or some group unrelated to the site. Customer testimonials don’t qualify as third-party verification. If you don’t have third-party verification for the claim, please remove the superlative or competitive language from your ad.
If you review these guidelines and believe your ad should be approved, please follow the instructions in your notification.
We believe advertising should both result in better experiences for people discovering new businesses on Quora, and also provide positive results for our advertisers. We want our ads to be as high quality as the content they appear alongside. Ad copy should adhere to our Quora content policies and guidelines, which requires your copy to be clear, well-formatted, and free from grammatical, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
Why is my ad not running due to “Spelling/Grammar” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Spelling/Grammar” review is likely to have misspellings or sentences that are not grammatically correct.
Ad text must use proper grammar and spelling. American and British English are both acceptable.
- Not permitted: Try our editing services so you don’t make silly spleling mitskaes.
- Acceptable: Try our editing services so you don’t make silly spelling mistakes.
If you review these guidelines and believe your ad should be approved, please follow the instructions in your notification.
Why is my ad not running due to “Landing page experience” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Landing page experience” review is likely to have a landing page experience or URLs that do not adhere to our policies.
Landing pages:
- Should be in English only.
- Should clearly and accurately reflect the product or service being promoted in your ad.
- Should not trigger interruptive pop-ups or pop-unders when someone arrives upon or exits the page.
- Should not automatically initiate downloads, malware, or spyware upon arrival.
- Should not link to a file that requires an additional program or application in order to view content.
- Should not have confusing design elements nor include fake clickable elements to entice clicks.
- Should not contain images or words that are included for sensational or shock purposes. This includes images and words that are sensational, aggressive, offensive, disrespectful, threatening, or excessively violent. We also do not permit clickbait ads, including anything that is sensationalist, hyperbolic, alarmist, or that plays on people’s fears or self-esteem.
Destination URLs:
- Should lead to a page owned by your company, to a web storefront selling your product or service, or to an article about your product or service. If we determine that your display URLs aren’t accurately reflecting the destination URL you’re directing people to, we reserve the right to reject your ads.
- Should not lead people to a site that is an error page or is under construction.
- Should not be directed to a page that does not explicitly belong to your company, but can be directed to your Quora company account, to a web storefront selling your product or service, or to an article about your product or service.
Display URLs:
- Should consist of the domain of your final URL. You are also permitted to use subdomains except when your subdomain is a trademarked term that does not belong to you.
- Should consist of lowercase letters. For example, the words “business” and “Quora” should be displayed as business.quora.com).
- Should not exceed 30 characters.
If you review these guidelines and believe your ad should be approved, please follow the instructions in your notification.
Why is my ad not running due to “Capitalization/Abbreviation” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Capitalization/Abbreviation” review likely has a headline sentence or body text that does not adhere to our capitalization policies.
Correct capitalization must be used at all times.
- Not permitted: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this GREAT DEAL.
- Not permitted: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this GrEaT DeAl.
- Acceptable: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this great deal.
The first letter of every word should not be capitalized unnecessarily. Titles (such as articles, books, and movies) with consistent capitalization on your website or app is allowed.
- Not permitted: Learn More About Our Services By Signing Up Today.
- Acceptable: Learn more about our services by signing up today.
- Acceptable: Buy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone today.
Capitalization is allowed for common acronyms, abbreviations, or initialisms. Capitalization is also allowed for trademarks, brand names, or product names that are consistently capitalized on your website or app.
For example, the following should be capitalized:
- Proper nouns: companies, products, organizations
- The singular pronoun “I”
- Acronyms such as HTML, NATO, FAQ
When in doubt, refer to Wikipedia for the correct capitalization of proper nouns.
Common abbreviations such as ASAP are permitted, but where possible, the full word should be used.
- Not permitted: Apply for exciting govt opportunities.
- Acceptable: Apply for exciting government opportunities.
- Acceptable: 40% off if you register now. Register ASAP to not miss this great deal.
If you review these guidelines and believe your ad should be approved, please follow the instructions in your notification.
Why is my ad not running due to “Formatting/Punctuation” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Formatting/Punctuation” review likely has a headline sentence or body text that needs to be properly formatted or needs to be edited to use appropriate punctuation.
The headline sentence and body text fields should be in full sentences.
- Not permitted: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today
- Acceptable: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today.
Strikethroughs, italics, bold, underlines, and emojis are not allowed.
- Not permitted: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today.
Ellipses are not permitted.
- Not permitted: Sign-up for a free trial today…
- Acceptable: Sign-up for a free trial today.
Include a single space between sentences.
- Acceptable: Get 20% off all products at our workshop. Join our session today.
There should not be spaces before punctuation like periods and commas.
- Not permitted: Find out which 20 companies will be raising money this year . Download our e-book today .
- Acceptable: Find out which 20 companies will be raising money this year. Download our e-book today.
Why is my ad not running due to “Prohibited content” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Prohibited content” review is likely to be advertising for a product or service that is not permitted on Quora.
There are 3 principles that guide our decisions on the type of content we prohibit:
- Ads that enable dishonest behavior
- Ads that we deem inappropriate for our users and community
- Ads that could endanger other people
1. Ads that enable dishonest or illegal behavior
We want to provide an honest and trustworthy experience for our users and so do not allow any ads that enable dishonest or illegal behavior on Quora. These include but are not limited to:
- Badware and hacking
- Do not promote content such as spyware, malware, or any other type of software that results in a misleading or deceptive user experience.
- Copyrighted content and trademark violations
- Ads (including landing pages) must not contain any content that infringes upon or violates the rights of any third party. This includes copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights. Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark and copyright use in their ad text as well as landing pages and Quora reserves the right to remove ads in response to trademark and copyright owner complaints.
- False documentation
- Do not promote or sell false documentation such as fake IDs, passports, or other official documents.
- Imitation or counterfeit goods
- Do not promote the sale of counterfeit goods. Counterfeit goods mimic the brand features of the actual product in the attempt to pass themselves off as genuine.
- Unsupported businesses
- Do not promote products, services, or business models that we consider unacceptable. This could be related to payday loans, paycheck advances, other short-term loans.
- Do not promote business models that do not clearly explain their billing policy or value proposition as we consider this deceptive and misleading.
- Payday loans
- Do not promote payday loan services.
2. Ads that we deem inappropriate for our users and community
These include but are not limited to:
- Adult products or services
- Do not promote adult-oriented services or products that include any form of nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.
- Alcohol
- Do not promote or reference alcohol in your ads.
- Weight loss products and services
- Do not promote products geared toward weight loss such as weight loss pills, supplements, or fat burners. It is okay, however, to promote healthy eating and fitness if they do not focus on weight or fat loss, or make unrealistic claims encouraging unhealthy weight loss goals.
3. Ads that could endanger other people
These include but are not limited to:
- Unsafe supplements, illegal, or recreational drugs
- Do not promote online pharmacies, the sale of prescription and recreational drugs, supplements that are known to be questionable or unsafe.
- Tobacco
- Do not promote tobacco products, which include cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or other paraphernalia like pipes, pipe cleaners, or rolling papers.
- Violence
- Do not promote acts that we deem as shocking, sensationalist, disrespectful, or excessively violent. This includes any content that expresses hatred, harassment, racism, sexism, religious or political intolerance.
- Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
- Do not promote firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, or other types of weapons. We also do not allow ads that provide instructions on how to handle firearms that may lead to harming or killing people.
Why is my ad not running due to “Business name” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Business Name” review likely has a business name that includes qualifiers, tag lines, or descriptions outside of the business name itself.
Your ad’s business name should reflect the entity you are advertising for. It should not include qualifiers, tag lines, or descriptions outside of the business name itself. You may reference the specific product or brand name you are advertising for, and you may include a reference to the corporate structure of your business.
- Not permitted: Quora, the best Q&A product
- Not permitted: Quora – a Q&A company
- Acceptable: Quora
- Acceptable: Quora.com
- Acceptable: Quora Sessions
Why is my ad not running due to “Mentions Quora” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Mentions Quora” review is likely to be referencing Quora in the ad’s content without the prior permission of Quora.
Why is my ad not running due to “Foreign language” issues?
An ad marked as needing “Foreign language” review is likely to be using languages other than English.
We only allow ads in English at this time.
Advertising Policies of Quora
We believe advertising on Quora should result in better experiences for people using the platform and positive results for our advertisers. We want your campaigns to reach the right audience and have your products or services be helpful to people. As a consequence, we have high quality standards for ads and may reject or suspend ads that do not comply with these standards. We have the right, but not the responsibility, to review ads for compliance with our standards. However, in all cases, you bear responsibility for reviewing and ensuring all ads comply with our Advertising Policies. Accordingly, we ask you to familiarize yourself with these Advertising Policies carefully.
These Advertising Policies govern all ads that run on the Quora platform. These Advertising Policies expressly are incorporated into the Advertising Terms. All capitalized terms in these Advertising Policies will have the same meaning as in the Advertising Terms.
Common reasons why an ad may not pass our review:
- Spelling, grammatical, formatting, or punctuation errors: We want our ad content to be as high quality as the content they appear alongside. Ad copy should adhere to our Quora content policies and guidelines, which requires your copy to be clear, well-formatted, and free from grammatical, capitalization, formatting, and punctuation errors.
- Incorrect/unusual use of capitalization and abbreviations: Ad copy frequently contains unnecessary capitalization, which is not permitted. Commonly known abbreviations are permitted, but where possible, the full word should be used.
- Unsubstantiated competitive claims: Competitive claims in your ad (#1, best, better than, etc.) must include a 3rd party comparison that substantiates your claim either in the ad copy or on your landing page.
Ad Copy and Landing Page Requirements
Quora’s ad copy consists of the header text (in bold) and supporting text:

Here are the length requirements that must be adhered to by all advertisers:
- Headline Sentence: Maximum of 65 characters
- Body Text: Maximum of 105 characters
- Display URL: Maximum of 30 characters
Overall, the general rules for your ad copy are:
- Do not include links in your ad text copy.
- Do not use profanity.
- Do not include sexual-related content in your copy unless you have obtained explicit permission from Quora beforehand.
- Do not mention Quora in your ad text copy without prior written permission and approval from Quora.
Landing Pages and Destination URL requirements
Your destination URL must function properly in all browsers and on all platforms that you have chosen to run your campaign on. Here is what you should be aware of when building your landing pages:
Landing Pages:
- Should be in English only.
- Should clearly and accurately reflect the product or service being promoted in your ad.
- Should not trigger pop-ups or pop-unders when someone arrives upon or exits the page.
- Should not automatically initiate downloads, malware, or spyware upon arrival.
- Should not link to a file that requires an additional program or application in order to view content.
- Should not have confusing design elements nor include fake clickable elements to entice clicks.
- Should not contain images or words that are included for sensational or shock purposes. This includes images and words that are sensational, aggressive, offensive, disrespectful, threatening, or excessively violent. We also do not permit clickbait ads, including anything that is sensationalist, hyperbolic, alarmist, or that plays on people’s fears or self-esteem.
- Should not mention Quora unless you have obtained permission first.
Destination URLs:
- Should lead to a page owned by your company, to a web storefront selling your product or service, or to an article about your product or service. If we determine that your display URLs aren’t accurately reflecting the destination URL you’re directing people to, we reserve the right to reject your ads.
- Should not lead people to a site that is an error page or is under construction.
- Should not be directed to a page that does not explicitly belong to your company, but can be directed to your Quora company account.
Display URLs:
- Should consist of the domain of your final URL. You are also permitted to use subdomains except when your subdomain is a trademarked term that does not belong to you.
- Should consist of lowercase letters. For example, the words “business” and “Quora” should be displayed as business.quora.com).
- Should not exceed 30 characters.
Choosing the right topics for your campaign
Choosing relevant topics for your campaign will ensure that your ads reach the right people. Conversely, selecting irrelevant or inappropriate topics may result in an ineffective campaign and may degrade the user experience on Quora.
Here are tips to selecting topics that will result in a more effective campaign:
- Keywords:
- Choose topics that align most with keywords that people typically use when searching for information about your products and services.
- Identify keywords within your ad copy that might be relevant and aligned with topics that already exist on Quora.
- Look for keywords that you’ve used on other advertising platforms that have been effective and could translate well into preexisting topics on Quora.
- Specific topics:
- Selecting relevant and specific topics will ensure your ad appears on question pages with topics that apply to your products and services. However, keep in mind that if your topics are too specific, you might not able to reach as many people as you’d like. Applying topics that are too broad may result in lower quality leads. Your best strategy is to strike the right balance between specific and broad topics.
- Your company/product or competitor topics:
- Find out if your company or product has its own topic on Quora and add that as one of your target topics.
- See if your competitors and their products have their own topics on Quora that you can use as targeting.
If your campaign is found to have irrelevant or inappropriate topics applied, we will take steps to resolve, including removing irrelevant topics from your campaign or pausing you campaign and stopping ad delivery until the issue is resolved.
Quora Ad Standards and Policies
We want our ad content to be as high quality as the content they appear alongside. We also want to continue to build user trust and never want our users to feel misled by ads that are delivered. Because of this, we have outlined our editorial guidelines, stance on misrepresentation/trust, as well as prohibited and restricted ads.
1. Editorial Guidelines
All ads must adhere to our Quora content policies and guidelines. Your ad should be clear, well-formatted, and free from grammatical, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
General rules:
- Do write your ad copy in English only.
- Do make sure your ad copy is free from grammatical, capitalization, and punctuation errors.
- Do not use profanity.
- Do not include sexual-related content in your copy unless you have obtained explicit permission from Quora beforehand.
- Do not mention Quora in your ad text copy.
- Do not use your display URL field as another line of ad text.
- Do not include links in your ad text copy.
Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar makes your ad text better and easier to read. Here are some guidelines you should follow when crafting your copy:
- Ad text must use proper grammar and spelling. American and British English are both acceptable.
- Not permitted: Try our editing services so you don’t make silly spleling mitskaes.
- Acceptable: Try our editing services so you don’t make silly spelling mistakes.
- Ellipses are not permitted.
- Not permitted: Sign-up for a free trial today…
- Acceptable: Sign-up for a free trial today.
- The Headline Sentence and Body Text fields should be in full sentences and should end with a punctuation mark.
- Not permitted: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today
- Acceptable: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today.
- Strikethroughs, italics, bold, underlines, and emojis are not allowed.
- Not permitted: We are looking for machine learning experts. Learn more today.
- Include a single space between sentences.
- Acceptable: Get 20% off all products at our workshop. Join our session today.
- There should not be spaces before punctuation like periods and commas.
- Not permitted: Find out which 20 companies will be raising money this year . Download our e-book today .
- Acceptable: Find out which 20 companies will be raising money this year. Download our e-book today.
- Correct capitalization must be used at all times.
- Not permitted: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this GREAT DEAL.
- Not permitted: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this GrEaT DeAl.
- Acceptable: 40% off if you register now. Don’t miss this great deal.
- The first letter of every word should not be capitalized unnecessarily. Titles (such as articles, books, and movies) with consistent capitalization on your website or app is allowed.
- Not permitted: Learn More About Our Services By Signing Up Today.
- Acceptable: Learn more about our services by signing up today.
- Acceptable: Buy Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone today.
- Capitalization is allowed for common acronyms, abbreviations, or initialisms. Capitalization is also allowed for trademarks, brand names, or product names that are consistently capitalized on your website or app.
- Acceptable: 40% off if you register now. Register ASAP to not miss this great deal.
As examples, the following should be capitalized:
- Proper nouns: companies, products, organizations
- The singular pronoun “I”
- Acronyms such as HTML, NATO, FAQ
- Common abbreviations such as ASAP are permitted, but where possible, the full word should be used. For instance, government should not be shortened to govt.
Business Name
Your ad’s business name should reflect the entity you are advertising for. It should not include qualifiers, tag lines, or descriptions outside of the business name itself. You may reference the specific product or brand name you are advertising for, and you may include a reference to the corporate structure of your business.
- Not permitted: Quora, the best Q&A product
- Acceptable: Quora
- Acceptable: Quora.com
- Acceptable: Quora Sessions
2. Misrepresentation/Trust
All information presented in your ad must be relevant to the product or services you are offering and must not misrepresent what you are trying to promote. This applies to all components of your ad as well as your landing pages.
In general, we do not permit:
- Promotions that do not accurately and truthfully represent your company, your products, or your services.
- Promotions that prompt users to initiate a purchase, download, or other commitment without first providing all relevant information and obtaining the user’s explicit consent.
Your ads are likely to be rejected if they:
- Promise a promotional offer in then make it difficult to locate on your landing page.
- Make misleading or exaggerated claims about your products and services.
- Make false statements about your identity or qualifications.
- Use false claims or claims that entice the user with an improbable result (even if this result is possible) as the likely outcome that a user can expect.
- Falsely imply affiliation with, or endorsement by, another individual, organization, product, or service.
- Mislead or trick the user into interacting with them.
- Make competitive claims (usually ads that contain superlatives and comparatives such as “best,” “#1,” “better than”) without third-party verification on your landing page.
- Hide or deliberately conceal or misstate information about your business, product, or services. This includes not disclosing your billing practices and terms of payment.
3. Prohibited and Restricted Content
Prohibited content
Prohibited content is not allowed on Quora at all and any ads that consist of prohibited content will be rejected and removed from Quora.
There are 3 principles that guide our decisions on the type of content we prohibit. They are:
- Ads that enable dishonest behavior
- Ads that we deem inappropriate for our users and community
- Ads that could endanger other people
1. Ads that enable dishonest or illegal behavior
We want to provide an honest and trustworthy experience for our users and so do not allow any ads that enable dishonest or illegal behavior on Quora.
- Badware and hacking
- Do not promote content such as spyware, malware, or any other type of software that results in a misleading or deceptive user experience.
- Copyrighted content and trademark violations
- Ads (including landing pages) must not contain any content that infringes upon or violates the rights of any third party. This includes copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights. Advertisers are responsible for proper trademark and copyright use in their ad text as well as landing pages and Quora reserves the right to remove ads in response to trademark and copyright owner complaints.
- False documentation
- Do not promote or sell false documentation such as fake IDs, passports, or other official documents.
- Imitation or counterfeit goods
- Do not promote the sale of counterfeit goods. Counterfeit goods mimic the brand features of the actual product in the attempt to pass themselves off as genuine.
- Unsupported businesses
- Do not promote products, services, or business models that we consider unacceptable. This could be related to payday loans, paycheck advances, other short-term loans.
- Do not promote business models that do not clearly explain their billing policy or value proposition as we consider this deceptive and misleading.
- Payday loans
- Do not promote payday loan services.
2. Ads that we deem inappropriate for our users and community
- Adult products or services
- Do not promote adult-oriented services or products that include any form of nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.
- Alcohol
- Do not promote or reference alcohol in your ads.
- Weight loss products and services
- Do not promote products geared toward weight loss such as weight loss pills, supplements, or fat burners. It is okay, however, to promote healthy eating and fitness if they do not focus on weight or fat loss, or make unrealistic claims encouraging unhealthy weight loss goals.
3. Ads that could endanger other people
- Unsafe supplements, illegal, or recreational drugs
- Do not promote online pharmacies, the sale of prescription and recreational drugs, supplements that are known to be questionable or unsafe.
- Tobacco
- Do not promote tobacco products, which include cigarettes, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or other paraphernalia like pipes, pipe cleaners, or rolling papers.
- Violence
- Do not promote acts that we deem as shocking, sensationalist, disrespectful, or excessively violent. This includes any content that expresses hatred, harassment, racism, sexism, religious or political intolerance.
- Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
- Do not promote firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, or other types of weapons. We also do not allow ads that provide instructions on how to handle firearms that may lead to harming or killing people.
Restricted content
The following content is allowed on Quora on a limited basis. For this content, you must:
Obtain explicit approval and permission from Quora:
- Contests and sweepstakes
- Your ad cannot mislead users, so avoid ads that may be perceived as enabling dishonest behavior. We encourage ad content that is held to the same standard as the content we value on Quora. Please make sure your ads are spam-free and adhere to local laws and regulations.
- Gambling and games
- Ads that promote or facilitate online gambling, lotteries, casinos, sports bookings, fantasy sports, bingo, or poker.
- Healthcare and medicine
- We restrict the promotion of healthcare-related content. This includes the following:
- Over the counter medication
- Prescription medication and information about prescription medication
- Online and offline pharmacies
- Medical services and procedures
- Clinical trial recruitment
- We restrict the promotion of healthcare-related content. This includes the following:
Adhere to the guidelines outlined:
- Subscription services
- Ads that promote products or services that include automatic renewal, negative options, free-to-pay conversion billing products, or mobile marketing are subject to our subscription services requirements:
- Subscription terms must be made clear to people in the ad copy or you must use the “Subscribe Now” Call-to-Action.
- The landing page must:
- Describe and display your terms and conditions, which include important information such as how to cancel the service.
- Display or include a link to your privacy policy.
- Require that people check a box in order to accept the terms and services. The box should not be checked by default.
- Clearly represent the price of your promoted service, including any details of recurring charges.
- If your ad is for a free trial, it must clearly disclose information such as: any recurring charge beyond the free trial, when the charge will take place, and how much it will be.
- Ads that promote products or services that include automatic renewal, negative options, free-to-pay conversion billing products, or mobile marketing are subject to our subscription services requirements:
- Political content
- Ads that promote political content must adhere to the following:
- No negative campaigning ads that attack a political opponent, which is in line with Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful policy.
- Ads must be in compliance with any election “silence periods.”
- In compliance with the Federal Election Commission’s rules.
- Ads that promote political content must adhere to the following:
- Dating services
- Ads should not have any sexual emphasis.
- Ads should not indicate that people could meet or connect with fictitious or specific individuals.
- Ads should not suggest that a person has or might be searched for or interacted with in any way.
- Ads should not directly assume certain user attributes (race, religion, age).
Please e-mail ad-support@quora.com if you intend to promote a product/service that falls under this category.
Questions about our ad policies?
If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us at ad-support@quora.com
Thanks 🙂 😉