Lets' talk

Future scope of Affiliate Marketing in india

Surjeet Thakur - Google Adwords Expert Chandigarh India

Surjeet Thakur

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Future jobs scope of digital marketing in india

Digital Marketing Education and Career Scope in India –  Digital marketing is still at its initial phase in India. Most of the companies are still thinking to adopt the medium while many top brands have already rolled their digital marketing campaign.

Digital Marketing booming high with 30% growth rate

Digital Marketing is the future of Marketing that will help to boost the sale and meet ROI (Returns On Investment (finance)) weathers its a startup or a well established market leaders.

While all other industries are struggling with a growth rate of 5 to 10 %, digital media industry is booming high with 30% growth rate.

But the most remarkable point is that this growth rate is not going to be stagnant in the coming years. Scope for digital marketers in India will only get bigger and better in the years to come.

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