Why You Need Landing Pages – Landing pages are the “end-all-be-all” of new visitor acquisition.
A good landing page is clear, concise and holds the hands of visitors to set points.
A poor landing page is an unappealing information overload.
Landing pages are what visitors see after clicking through to your offer. These pages are equally important to the actual ad so they need to be carefully designed to maximize conversions. If your page looks like this:
You can bet that visitors will leave immediately. The page is too cluttered and overwhelming. You only have a few seconds to make an impression, so make it count.
What is a lead page?
In online marketing a landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page” or a “lander”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement.
What is a landing page on a website?
A landing page is a web page that appears when a visitor clicks on a PPC ad or a search engine result link. The home page of a website is not the only landing page; every page in a website has a purpose and is a potential search engine landing page.
What is an optimized landing page?
Land page optimization (LPO) is one part of a broader Internet marketing process called conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO), with the goal of improving the percentage of visitors to the website that become sales leads and customers. Continue reading